

Women Writers in Our Time: An Introduction to Mahasweta Devi with Major Thematic Concerns

Women in India have been engaged in some or other form of literary activities for centuries now. But we are able to find very few significant names in the field of women’s writing because the work of Indian women writers have been undervalued due to patriarchal assumptions about the superior worth of male experience. The cultural authorities of the society have also made strong influence on women’s writing. Any discourse which violated the standard norms or tried to challenge the well-established male kingdom of authority was bound to put aside as a worthless object. There have been a number of examples pertaining to this fact when feminist text was either sanctioned or punished by claiming it as a product of mindless creature. But there are a number of women writers who have marked their presence steadily in this men-dominated terrain. They have refused to follow street and state censors and succeeded in bringing unheard voiced to the fore. Mahasweta Devi, veteran Bengali writer is among those irresistible voices who puts a question mark on the so-called progressive, democratic and civilized nation called India. Even after so many years of independence, the marginal are deprived of their basic rights. Through her novels, stories and a number of articles; Mahsweta exposes the feudal system which is anti-tribal, anti-women, anti-poor and anti-tiller. Present study is an attempt to explore and throw light on Mahasweta’s vision with the help of selected creative works by her.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Activist, History, Tribal, Democracy, Social Justice.

ISSN: 2321-7065

EISSN: 2321-7065


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