

The Theme of Growing up and Identity Crisis in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Alice in Wonderland, a classic of children literature, is often regarded as psychological and philosophical metaphors and as literary parody. Widely translated, quoted and adapted for various media, the book provoked enough fascination among children and critics alike. It was an enormous success. The reason for its unexpected popularity was that it was published at a time when most children’s books were designed to instruct rather than entertain. Alice’s chaotic nonsense world provides an exhaustible mine of literary, philosophical and scientific themes. One of the most obvious themes found is the theme of growing up and identity crisis. Alice’s experiences in Wonderland can be taken as a metaphor for the experience of growing up, both in terms of physically growing up and coming to understand the world of adults.

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ISSN: 2249-555X

EISSN: 2249-555X

EOI/DOI: 10.15373/2249555X

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