In India, small firms contribute considerably to economic growth and employ a very large
number of people, second only to agriculture. The concentrations of these firms are mostly in
the urban areas while rural areas have failed to seize the opportunities unleashed by
economic reforms. Different models are being attempted by various government and private
agencies to tap the potential of human sources as an engine of growth. However, little is
know about the characteristics of rural leather entrepreneurs who take up entrepreneurship
mostly because they do not have a better opportunity and only incidentally due to their
This paper investigates what determines entrepreneurial success by studying the
characteristics of unorganized rural leather entrepreneurs of Uttar Pradesh in India. A
questionnaire was constructed to collect data on various psychological factors from existing
unorganized rural leather entrepreneurs of Uttar Pradesh (UP). We related these factors and
questions to performance measured by log sales of the Leather entrepreneurs. A significant
degree of performance variation can be explained by psychological characteristics, in
particular, self efficacy, achievement motivation and average psychological aptitude for
entrepreneurs in Uttar Pradesh.
Performance variation of UP’s entrepreneurs is explained by age and prior experience in
borrowing in addition to the psychological characteristic of achievement motivation. We
identify specific questions as well and find that performance is significantly related to the
questions relating to self efficacy and locus of control. Finally, we employ these findings to
build a model for the selection strategy of Leather entrepreneurs.
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Author Name: Vivekanand Pandey
Keywords: Leather entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial success factors, psychological characteristics, Uttar Pradesh
ISSN: 2249-0892
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