

Synesthesia and Aesthetic Person's Experience in the Context of Artistic and Creative, Artistic and Receptive Activities: Relaxation, Compensatory, Therapeutic Moments.

The article discusses the relationship of synesthesia and art practice, which is carried out thanks to the artistic and creative person's activity or the meaningful perception of the artistic innovation. The attention is paid to the aesthetic experience value for the synesthetes. It is indicated on relaxation, compensatory, therapeutic moments of attracting synesthetes to artistic and creative activities. The potential of art pedagogy and music therapy as trends in contemporary art practices is researched. The particular attention is paid to developing the ability to synesthesia through the involvement in childhood to the aesthetic activity, especially the artistic creativity. The values of the integration of music and colors with the aesthetic education are the means of the person's harmonious development.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: synesthesia, artistic and creative activities, art compensatory function, art relaxation function, art therapeutic function, art practice, art pedagogy, color music, music therapy, art therapy

ISSN: 2076-6173



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