

A New Natural Fiber: Toquillla Straw A Potential Reinforcement in Thermoplastic Polymer Composites

Toquilla straw (Carludovica palmata) obtained from the Manabí province in Ecuador has been used traditionally for weaving the Panama hat. Due to its importance and high disposability as a renewable source and the methodological characterization which is required to understand its physical and chemical properties. To this end, sections of treated and untreated specimens were studied to analyze the mechanical, thermal, spectral and morphological properties. From thermal and mechanical analysis’s that were carried out on the Toquilla straw fibers revealed a temperature onset of about 230°C before the degradation and Young's modulus as well as stress in the range of natural fibers used as reinforcement in thermoplastic polymer composites. Possible changes in their composition and structure were monitored using Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy as well as the morphology by means of a scanning electron microscope.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: natural fibers, reinforcement polymer composites, mechanical properties

ISSN: 2068-0783

EISSN: 2068-0783


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