

Teachers’ Class room Behavior and its impacts upon Learning Process

What could be the impact of teacher’s classroom behavior on the students learning process is the main theme of this study conducted in District Peshawar. The nature of the study was descriptive. It was to analyze the effect of independent variable i.e. Teacher Classroom Behavior on dependent variable i.e. learning process of student. Simple liner regression model was applied. The target population of the study was the teachers, teaching at higher secondary level. Keeping in consideration the time constraints, only 25 teachers of different subjects from Peshawar model degree college (Boys) Peshawar, were selected as sample of the study— English & Urdue=5; Physics, Chemistry & Maths =4; Islamiyat = 2; Biology =1. An observation-sheet was designed for the collection of data. The observation was conducted in the classrooms. Total observation-sheets were 25. Each observation-sheet was filled personally and collected the data. The overall model was found highly significant which clearly indicates that teacher behavior in classroom has direct effect on students’ learning process. So, it is suggested that teachers must focus upon the academics in the classrooms. The study revealed that majority of teachers stressed on skill development of the students, spending considerable time on academic tasks.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Classroom; Students; Learning Process; Teachers Behavior

ISSN: 2249-0892



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