

Potential of Soil Sensor Em38 Measurements for Soil Fertility Mapping in the Terrace Soil of Bangladesh

An assessment of field-scale variation of apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) survey and characterization of correlated soil property was investigated for mapping of a terrace soil in Bangladesh. The electromagnetic induction (EMI) technique was applied by a soil sensor, EM38 which provide ancillary ECa data sets accurately. Survey was supported by soil sampling to assure the reliability and potential of ECa measurements for soil mapping. Study site consisted of a shallow depth clay substratum. ECa readings in mS m -1 ranged from 40 to 64 and 32 to 53 in the vertical (ECa-V) and horizontal (ECa-H) orientation of measurement respectively. ECa readings correlated best with soil property such as top-, sub-, and deepsoil texture (clay and sand), and topsoil chemical property, i. e., pH, CEC, Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ . A modest correlation was found between ECa-V and the subsoil clay (r = 0.78), and ECa-V and the subsoil sand (r = - 0.84). The variogram analysis revealed that a large portion of the total variation of soil property (about 70 %) was accounted by the spatially structured component of the variogram. The study findings have brought an expectation that soil mapping through ECa measurement is possible in Bangladesh. For mapping, the ECa-V measurement in the terrace soil is more predictive than ECa-H. The maps of ECa can fairly represent the spatial variation of soil properties such as texture, chemical fertility and organic matter content

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Keywords: Terrace soil, Soil sensor EM38, Apparent electrical conductivity (ECa), Variogram and Kriging Soil Mapping


EISSN: 2409-7632

EOI/DOI: 10.18801/jstei.010114.01

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