

An Analytical Study on the Fing Flexion Cascade in General Population of Various Occupations

Background and Purpose: Finger flexion cascade (FFC) is a natural phenomenon that is observed in the hand at complete rest. It is the posture/alignment of fingers with some flexion at all the joints of digits, beginning with less flexion at the index finger, progressing to more flexion towards the little finger. The FFC may vary in individuals of different occupations as occupational activities performed over a prolonged period may have an influence on the finger flexion ROM thereby influencing the normal FFC. Understanding the variations may serve as a valuable tool to manage rehabilitation following hand injuries, which may include improving the finger flexion joint ROM suited to the need of the individual. The purpose of this study was to observe, measure and document the FFC in individuals belonging to different occupations and to analyze whether a significant variation may be seen within the occupations and between the occupations. Methods: One hundred twenty five healthy individuals with an age ranging between 20 to 60 years who met the inclusion criteria participated in the study. Occupations included were electricians, maintenance workers and desk workers. The participants completed a performa related to their occupation prior to the study. Goniometry was used to measure the MCP, PIP and DIP flexion ROM of the dominant and non dominant hand. Composite finger flexion a gross method of measuring finger ROM was also measured using a geometric ruler. The values obtained were recorded and analyzed. Results: To find variations within an occupation paired t test was used. ANOVA was used to analyze of variations between the 3 groups. The results between the groups were found to be statistically significant at p value < 0.05 Conclusion: The finger flexion cascade was found to vary in individuals belonging to different occupations therefore occupation has an influence on the normal FFC which suggests that following hand injuries rehabilitation program can be aimed at achieving hand function depending upon the demand the occupation places over the hand.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Cascade; Range of motion measurement; Goniometer; Hand injuries; Occupation.

ISSN: 2471-6804

EISSN: 2471-6804

EOI/DOI: 10.19080/OROAJ.2015.01.555554

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