

The Important of the Usage of Information Technology during the Local Services: Special Provincial Administration of K?r?ehir

The development of information and communication technologies has accelerated public service delivery through the application of information technologies in the world. In addition to these improvements, as a consequence of the reform efforts in the 2000s, important changes have occurred in the quality and quantity of the duties of local governments. It is expressed that the usage of information technologies for public service provision is making important contribution to local governments to fulfill their duties and responsibilities. In this paper aims the analyze that the usage of information technology during the local services delivery at The Special Provincial Administration of K?r?ehir. Survey and interview were used as a method of the field research and additionally, the web site of the institute was analyzed. The results of the survey revealed that it has made progress in the efforts of computerization and web site development. The institute is expected to show progress on online service delivery and online management.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Local Government, Local Service Delivery , Information Technologies, Efficiency.

ISSN: 1308-5549

EISSN: 2147-4206


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