

An Analyse The Market?ng M?x Elements Effect The Consumers Who Buy Fast Mov?ng Consumer Goods And The Expected Benef?ts Of Buy?ng Goods: An Invest?gat?on In I?d?r

The purpose of research is to analyze the marketing mix elements effect the consumers who buy fast moving consumer goods in I?d?r. In addition to this, analyzing the expected benefits of buying goods in a functional or hedonist base is an another aim. The method of research is descriptive and empiric. Datas are collected by 480 questionnaires using convenience sampling. According to results, it appears that the marketing mix elements effect the consumers buyings are in order of importance, product-place, price, promotion-place. When consumers buy fast moving consumer goods they behave more fonctionaly than hedonistic and fonctionalists give more importance to marketing mix elements than hedonists. In conclusion, some suggestions are offered to food retailers.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Buying Behaviour, Marketing Mix, Hedonism, Functionalism

ISSN: 1308-5549

EISSN: 2147-4206


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