Industries are constantly trying to stay competitive by retaining its reputation in the market in
which it is operating. Due to Globalization companies have to rethink their strategies and
practices. A company’s strategy highly depends upon the use of application and the utilization
of resources. Amidst all these HR factors tend to play a potential role in determining the
effectiveness and competitiveness of an organization. HRIS is generally considered as
managing people practices using IT enabled services. Thus it is a task of HRIS to cater to the
needs of knowledge management .Knowledge management involves the practices which are
utilized to get the right people at right time to train them and finally appraising their
performance and reward them. This helps in keeping employees satisfied and happy. When the
performance of an employee is evaluated a number of techniques are used to mine the utmost
knowledge out of them. This is how HRIS is connected to Knowledge management. This
empirical study is an effort in knowing the efficacy of data mining techniques in knowledge
management and application of HRIS. The major focus of study is to know about the data
base of employees for predicting the performance of employees and adopt a knowledge
management strategy and the efficacy of data mining in doing so.
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Author Name: Ms. Tripti Chopra *1, Dr. Shine David 2
Keywords: Data mining, Knowledge management, HRIS
ISSN: 2394-3629
EISSN: 2350-0530
EOI/DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.158944
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