

Impact of TQM and Technology Management on Organizational Performance

In the growing business competitiveness TQM (Total Quality Management) and TM (Technology Management) practices have become important for organizational success. TQM fosters business excellence while TM helps to deal with process and product related technological challenges. However, in literature TM has received little consideration with TQM. This paper is a research study that attempts to identify any combined relationship of both concepts with OP (Organizational Performance) while taking into account different organizational contextual factors including ISO-9001 certification. Responses from 86 different organizations in Pakistan are collected through questionnaire survey and random sampling. Statistical analysis shows that OP is positively associated to TQM and TM. Results of this study indicate the significance of ISO-9001 certification for TQM but do not support it for OP. It is also observed that organizations of private sector are significantly better in TQM and TM practices, so in OP, in comparison to government or public sector organizations. The study contributes to explore and augment both practices for implementation to improve OP.

Real Time Impact Factor: Pending

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Keywords: Total Quality Management, Technology Management, Organizational Performance, ISO-9001

ISSN: 2413-7219

EISSN: 0254-7821


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