Within this scope, “performance anxiety” grades of students being educated in music education branches, conservatories and fine arts were assessed in respect to different variables (n=306). Research was carried out in order to reveal how relations of performance anxiety and academic success levels of students receiving professional music education in different universities could differ among variables. “Kenny Music Performance anxiety” inventory developed by Kenny (2004) and adopted to Turkish in order to measure “music performance anxiety level” were used in study. Research data, frequency percentage (%) of variables (f) and (ss) values given for M.P.A inventory, “one-way analysis of variance”, independent (unrelated) group t-test, M.W.U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. At the end of the research it was determined that there was negative relation between “musical performance anxiety” and “academic success” levels.
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Author Name: Sena GÜR?EN OTACIO?LU
Keywords: Music education, Anxiety, Performance anxiety, Academic success.
ISSN: 2458-9322
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