

Browse Result: Found 195


Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences

Uniqbu Journal of Exact Sciences (UJES) is a peer reviewed journal that covers the fields of scientific knowledge and academic…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1622

Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences

Uniqbu Journal of Social Sciences (UJSS) is a peer reviewed journal that covers the fields of scientific knowledge and academic…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:2059


La Revista Científica UCV HACER tiene como objetivo divulgar el conocimiento científico-tecnológico a través de los resultados originales producto de…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1297

Universe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

UIJIR is world-class journals of which Universe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (UIJIR) is the first one to its well-regarded…

Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:824

UTAMAX : Journal of Ultimate Research and Trends in Education

UTAMAX is a multidisciplinary journal, committed to no single approach, discipline, methodology or paradigm. It is concerned with teaching and…

Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1737

Universities' Journal of Phytochemistry and Ayurvedic HEights

About the Journal This journal with ISSN 0973-3507 has been assigned with 2.69 as NAAS (National Academy of Agricultural Sciences)…

Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1220

UXUC - User Experience & Urban Creativity Journal

Blind peer reviewed Open Access regular scientific publication devoted to to contribute to the knowledge exchange of researchers and professionals…

Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:1298

Ulisa: Journal of International Studies

Ulisa: Journal of International Studies is published by Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University Institute of International Relations and Strategic Research. Ulisa…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:746

Uzhhorod National University Herald. Series: Law

One of the most important challenges of the contemporary period of developing the Ukrainian state and society is to increase…

Unverified Index Papers -- 0 Views:575

Unizik Journal of Business

The Unizik Journal of Business (UJB) is the official journal of the Unizik Business School, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, committed to…

Verified Index Papers -- 0 Views:684


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