Impact Factor


Geodiversitas is a fast-track and peer-reviewed journal, devoted to varied aspects of earth sciences. It publishes original research results, in French or English, with emphasis on history of sedimentary basins, paleobiodiversity and paleoenvironments. An issue of Geodiversitas may be devoted to a single topic (thematic issues of Geodiversitas) under the responsibility of guest editor(s). All articles published in Geodiversitas are compliant with the different nomenclatural codes. A copyright assignment will be signed by the authors before publication. Geodiversitas is a diamond open access journal, free of charges for both the author and the reader and accessible here as soon as published. Geodiversitas is distributed electronically by BioOne®, which provides its archiving in Portico and LOCKSS. Printed issues are still available using the formular on the right of this page.


  • 1280-9659
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • 2002-ongoing
  • France


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.5
2022 1.8
2021 2.185


GEODIVERSITAS, 1280-9659, 2002-ongoing, Earth and Planetary Sciences.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals