Impact Factor

ABOUT Health Promotion Journal of Australia

The purpose of the Health Promotion Journal of Australia is to facilitate communication between researchers, practitioners, and policymakers involved in health promotion activities. Preference for publication is given to practical examples of policies, theories, strategies and programs which utilise educational, organisational, economic and/or environmental approaches to health promotion. The journal also publishes brief reports discussing programs, professional viewpoints, and guidelines for practice or evaluation methodology. The journal features articles, brief reports, editorials, perspectives, "of interest", viewpoints, book reviews and letters.


  • 1036-1073
  • Medicine,Nursing
  • 2005-ongoing
  • Australia


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.4
2022 0.0
2021 2.033


Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 1036-1073, 2005-ongoing, Medicine,Nursing.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals