Impact Factor

ABOUT Adv. High. Educ.

Advances in Higher Education is a fully accessible publication that serves as the medium to publish the original educational research article that focusing on teaching, learning and educational developments throughout the world in universities, polytechnics, colleges, and vocational and education institutions which despite public and private higher education sectors. It aims to serve as a debate forum for a diverse group of scholar who share the characteristic features, as well as problems and issue of each education system, and who can have significant voice in discussion around topics of higher education. The content will focus on the field of educational theory, student management, teaching method, conceptual model of educational process and cases study..


  • 2424-8428 /-
  • Education
  • Quarterly
  • Singapore


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.45
2018 -


Advances in Higher Education, 2424-8428 /-, started opeartions from Singapore in year 2017, publish paper in Education Quarterly.

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