Impact Factor

ABOUT Ann Med Physiol

Annals of Medical Physiology (Ann Med Physiol.) is a double-blind peer-reviewed quarterly journal, published both online and in print version, aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the field of medical physiology. The emphasis will be on publishing quality research papers rapidly and keep freely available to researchers worldwide through open access policy. Annals of Medical Physiology serves an important role by encouraging, fostering and promoting developments in various areas of medical physiology. This journal publishes reviews, original research articles, brief communications in all areas of medical physiology..


  • -/2456-8422
  • Medicine (General)
  • Quarterly
  • India


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.71
2018 -


Annals of Medical Physiology, -/2456-8422, started opeartions from India in year 2017, publish paper in Medicine (General) Quarterly.

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