Impact Factor


Asthma and Allergy' Journal - specialized scientific-research journal, is one of the most known specialized issues on this subject in Ukraine. The journal publishes scientific articles in respiratory medicine and allergology.Aim of the edition: informing of pulmonologists, allergologists, immunologists, therapeutists and pediatricians about newest progress in diagnostics, treatment, prevention of allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, COPD, their combination with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome.The journal publishes reviews of leading Ukrainian, Russian scientists and opinion leaders in these problems from other countries in allergodiagnostics, differential diagnostics, pharmacological therapy of allergic diseases, including in pregnancy, specific immunotherapy with allergens (SIT).Moreover, in the magazine posted useful information in problems of allergology and pulmonology from Ukrainian and international congresses (ERS, EAACI, Asthma-Congress, etc.), conferences, seminars posted newest clinical national and foreign guidelines on relevant topics (recommendations of Ukrainian, European and American Respiratory Societies, WHO), also investigations of new medicines of Ukrainian and foreign companies..


  • 2307-3373/-
  • Medicine (General)
  • Quarterly
  • Ukraine


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.2
2018 -


Asthma and allergy, 2307-3373/-, started opeartions from Ukraine in year 2002, publish paper in Medicine (General) Quarterly.

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