Impact Factor


The Brazilian Journal of Case Reports (BJCR) (ISSN 2763-583X) is an international, open access, quarterly publication with continuous editorial and publication flow, and peer-reviewed publication featuring original contributions of interest to human and animal health researchers. BJCR focuses on the dissemination of clinical case reports that demonstrate rare and important findings that stand out in the medical field, whether human or animal. The Journal features the following sections (all topics may related with human or animal studies): Clinical Case Reports; Health Review (human or animal health and health education); Clinical Imagens Reports; Experience Reports (human or animal health and health education); Letter to editor (Correspondence or Comments). Time to first decision: Two weeks. Language: English is the official language of BJCR. However, we will also receive articles in Portuguese. Aims and Scope BJCR will consider any original case report that expands the field of general medical knowledge about human and/or veterinary sciences, and original review studies relating to clinical case reports. All articles in the BJCR must follow one of the following topics (all topics may related with human or animal studies): Rare clinical findings; Clinical images (ie. X-ray, CT scans, MRIs, and ultrasound); Clinical Laboratory findings (ie. blood analysis, and histopathology); Pathology diagnosis; Surgery procedures; Clinical Experimental researches; Experiences reports in health or biological science; Health Education..


  • 2763-583X/-
  • Medicine (General)
  • Quarterly
  • Brazil


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.11
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Brazilian Journal of Case Reports, 2763-583X/-, started opeartions from Brazil in year 2021, publish paper in Medicine (General) Quarterly.

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