Impact Factor


Collectivus, Revista de Ciencias Sociales is the official semiannual publication organ of scientific dissemination of the Sociology Program, Faculty of Human Sciences at Universidad of Atlántico (Barranquilla-Colombia). We define Collectivus as the partnership and interaction of political, economic, social, cultural, territorial, scientific, technical and technological practices as part of the historical and cultural analysis of the hybrid community. Collectivus aims at contributing to the dissemination of interdisciplinary research, related to social sciences and humanities at regional, national and international levels. The magazine includes different areas of the knowledge such as: sociological studies that are configured in the social reality, geography field, the understanding of socio-cultural phenomena and studies directly related to the use of strategies, techniques and tools of social research. That is the reason, in Collectivus Journal, the contribution of different fields of the knowledge seeks to improve the understanding of social cohesion, territorial and economic values. Collectivus submits papers to national and international academic peers and specialists’ evaluation in the area of knowledge, serving quality scientific standards of reference, debate and discussion of issues, approaches and different methodologies. .


  • -/2382-4018
  • Social Sciences
  • Semiannual
  • Colombia


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.02
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Collectivus. Journal of Social Sciences, -/2382-4018, started opeartions from Colombia in year 2014, publish paper in Social Sciences Semiannual.

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