Impact Factor


Córima is a biannual online publication, open access and free consultation and publication dedicated to the scientific dissemination of Cultural Management and its various aspects and areas. It publishes unpublished research papers in Spanish, English and Portuguese, double-blind peer-reviewed, as well as unpublished translations of works of great impact and acceptance in the scientific community from their original language. Among the topics it analyzes are: • Cultural policies • Cultural heritage • Cultural diversity • Economy of culture and its financing • Cultural enterprises, cultural and creative industries • Show production • Public, cultural practices and consumption • Development and strategies for training audiences • Promotion of reading • Promotion and dissemination of arts and culture The objective of this journal is to contribute to the professionalization, generation and dissemination of knowledge, strengthening and increasing the scientific rigor of this discipline. At the end, this magazine aspires to participate in the calls of the most important indexing institutions at the international level to be included in their lists and become the first indexed magazine in cultural management in Spanish and Portuguese. .


  • -/2448-7694
  • Social Sciences
  • Semiannual
  • Mexico


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.66
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Corima, Journal of Research in Cultural Management , -/2448-7694, started opeartions from Mexico in year 2016, publish paper in Social Sciences Semiannual.

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