Impact Factor

ABOUT Dede Korkut Dergisi (DKD)

DEDE KORKUT JOURNAL publishes scientific articles which are based on research in Turkish language and dialects, Turkish literature, Turkish folklore and culture, Turkish linguistics and Turkish education. The review and review of scientific books prepared in the mentioned fields are also within the scope of the publication of the journal. Turkey Turkish, the other Turkish dialects, Russian and English papers and articles published in the journal of Dede Korkut . However, articles in other languages may be included, up to a third of the number of pages of each journal. It aims to contribute to science and to create a rich literature by publishing original and qualified scientific articles bas.


  • 2147-5490/2147-5490
  • Linguistics
  • Quarterly
  • Turkey


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.83
2019 0.24
2018 -


DEDE KORKUT The Journal of International Turkish Language & Literature Research, 2147-5490/2147-5490, started opeartions from Turkey in year 2012, publish paper in Linguistics Quarterly.

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