Impact Factor

ABOUT Dialektika

Dialectics: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the Islamic University of Raden Rahmat Malang since 2016. This journal has specifications as a medium for communicating research results and conceptual thinking related to the field of Economics and Social Sciences . Articles published in Dialectics: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences include the results of original scientific research (top priority) and new scientific review articles (not priority) from various academics and researchers that have not been published elsewhere. This journal is published periodically every six months in February and September..


  • 2502-4094/2598-781X
  • Social Sciences
  • Semiannual
  • Indonesia


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.62
2018 -


DIALEKTIKA: Journal of Economics and Social Sciences, 2502-4094/2598-781X, started opeartions from Indonesia in year 2016, publish paper in Social Sciences Semiannual.

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