Impact Factor

ABOUT Elektron

Elektron is a periodical free open access journal of the Electronic Department of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Buenos Aires. The aim of the journal is to create a space for dissemination and discussion on the scientific and technological aspects of electronics engineering, bioengineering, mechatronics, telecommunications, optoelectronics, computing and information technology. The publication is aimed at the general public interested in the development and applications of new electronic technologies and provides a place to encourage interaction between members of the community..


  • 2525-0159/2525-0159
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Semiannual
  • Argentina


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.23
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Elektron Journal, 2525-0159/2525-0159, started opeartions from Argentina in year 2017, publish paper in Multidisciplinary Semiannual.

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