Our Objective is to facilitate sharing contemporary issues relating to Commerce, Economic and Management field’s. Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research [EIJFMR] is indexed, refereed and peer reviewed journal, which is designed to publish research articles in Engineering & Technology, Management, Social Science, Education, Agriculture, Geography, Advertising, Accounting & Finance, Botany, Business Research, Chemistry, Commerce, Computer Application, Consumer Behavior & Relationship Management, Corporate Governance, Earth Sciences, Economics, E-commerce, Bioscience, Entrepreneurship, Fisheries, History, Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Library Science, International Business, Law, Life Sciences, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Performing Arts, Physics, Psychology, Health Care, Fine Art, Industrial Relations, Architecture, Marketing communication, Marketing Management, Physical Education, Philosophy, Political Sciences, Psychology, Population Studies, Selling and Marketing techniques, Strategic Management, Total Quality Management Training and Development, Sociology, English, Veterinary Sciences, Vector Ecology, Renewable Energy, Botanical Insecticides in Vector Control and Management, Biological Control of Vector Mosquitoes, Vector Molecular Biology, Molecular Endocrinology, School of Mathematics, Earth Science, Botany, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Zoology etc.research based acquaintance amongst researchers, academicians, students and practicing managers. It aim at incorporating the practices of the professional world with the knowledge creation in the relevant academic arena and to ensure prompt propagation among the stakeholders.
YEAR | Impact Factor | CITATIONS | PAPERS |
2019-20 | 0.10 | 100 | |
2018-19 | - | - | - |
Emperor Journal of Applied Scientific Research, 2581-964X/2581-964X, started opeartions from India in year 2019, publish paper in Multidisciplinary Monthly.