Impact Factor


Food and Nutrition Report (FNR) is an international Peer- Reviewed, Open Access journal with an outreach program that include various aspects of nutrition and health. FNR publishes manuscripts which give an understanding of nutritional mechanisms in human beings, animals and other relevant organisms. The Journal also features Scientific Articles on the food technology development and application of food science in FMCG industry. FNR aims to provide scientists, readers and young researchers etc., balanced information which will improve their experimental designs. Food and Nutrition Report focuses on the topics that include Advanced Dietetics Basic Nutrition Basic Diete.


  • 2059-8564/-
  • Biology
  • Quarterly
  • United Kingdom


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.17
2019 2.1
2018 -


Food and Nutrition Report, 2059-8564/-, started opeartions from United Kingdom in year 2015, publish paper in Biology Quarterly.

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