Impact Factor

ABOUT Highlights in BioScience

Highlights in BioScience is an international peer-reviewed open access journal which aims at publishing papers of the highest quality in broad aspects of BioScience-related research. The Journal is a monthly published by the International Library of Sciences. It covers all areas of Biology and life sciences. Highlights in BioScience has been fully Open Access and publishes all papers under the liberal CC BY license, giving the life science community quality research to share and discuss. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Biodiversity/Evolution Biology; Chemical Biology; Chromosome Biology/Gene Regulation; Developmental biology; Enzymology/Biochemistry; Genetics/Epigenetics/Genomics; Microbials/Biofuels; Molecular and cellular biology; Plant Biology; Post-translational; Modifications/Proteomics; Structural Biology; Bioinformatics; Database and tools .


  • -/2682-4043
  • Biology
  • Monthly
  • Egypt


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.44
2018 -


Highlights in BioScience, -/2682-4043, started opeartions from Egypt in year 2018, publish paper in Biology Monthly.

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