Impact Factor


International Journal of Research in English Education (IJREE) is an international, peer-reviewed, and online journal that provides an academic platform for researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. IJREE carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research in both theoretical and practical aspects of English Education. Every article published in IJREE is provided with unique DOI and the metadata is submitted to CrossRef and Google Scholar. The journal focuses on the following topics: * Theory and practice in English Language Teaching and Learning * Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language * English language teachers’ training and education.


  • 2538-4015/2538-3027
  • Education
  • Quarterly
  • Iran


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.78
2019 1.14
2018 -


International Journal of Research in English Education , 2538-4015/2538-3027, started opeartions from Iran in year 2016, publish paper in Education Quarterly.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals