Impact Factor


IROCAMM - Intenational Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix is a digital scientific journal whose objectives are the dissemination of scientific articles on commercial and corporate communication, as well as marketing and market research (including the 4 variables of the mk mix: Product, Price, Communication and Distribution). IROCAMM - Intenational Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix is an six-monthly academic journal published in digital format. IROCAMM - International Review of Communication And Marketing Mix magazine arises from the need to transfer knowledge to society about each of the fields of communication, as a variable of the marketing mix and their respective influences or consequences, such as commercial advertising, public relations of commercial companies or the price and distribution variables themselves, always from the point of view of their influence on the communication variable. With an international scope and open to professors and researchers from all countries, IROCAMM aims to cover a wide range of topics within the field of studies on commercial communication and its relationship with the rest of the marketing mix variables: price, product and distribution..


  • 2605-0447/2605-0447
  • Social Sciences
  • Semiannual
  • Spain


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 3.7
2018 -


International Review Of Communication And Marketing Mix, 2605-0447/2605-0447, started opeartions from Spain in year 2018, publish paper in Social Sciences Semiannual.

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