Impact Factor


Jurnal Nuansa Akademik: Jurnal Pembangunan Masyarakat (JNAJPM); p-ISSN: 1858-2826 & e-ISSN: 2747-0954; is a scientific multidisciplinary journal in the national level published by Lembaga Dakwah dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Universitas Cokroaminoto Yogyakarta (LDPM UCY). Moreover, The aim of this journal is disseminate the conceptual thoughts and research results from academicians, researchers, practitioners or students to explore ways of improving standards of living, and potentially modifiable characteristics of both social and physical environments at the individual, household, and community levels to a more developed society. Including servicing and empowering, developing society covers a lot of theoretic and empiric issues related to religion & culture, science & mathematic, education & training, law & administration, economic & entrepreneurship, environmental & civil engineering.


  • 1858-2826/2747-0954
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Semiannual
  • Indonesia


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.87
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Journal of Academic Nuance: Journal of Society Development, 1858-2826/2747-0954, started opeartions from Indonesia in year 2019, publish paper in Multidisciplinary Semiannual.

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