Impact Factor


is an international journal that effectively bridges the gap between academics, policy makers, and practitioners and links the various economic development communities. The journal focuses on contemporary research publication philosophies including blind strict peer refereeing, timely review, regular publication and broader coverage of the field. The editorial board is represented by the world's reputed and experienced academicians and researchers in the field of economics. The blind peer review and editorial policies are largely contributed by the 'economics forum' of American Association of International Researchers. The journal is completely open access which has opened the doors for the millions of international readers and academicians to keep in touch with the latest research findings in the field of economics and development studies. .


  • ISSN: 2334-2382 (Print Version) ISSN: 2334-2390 (Electronic Version)/-
  • Social Sciences
  • Quarterly
  • United States


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.06
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Journal of Economics and Development Studies, ISSN: 2334-2382 (Print Version) ISSN: 2334-2390 (Electronic Version)/-, started opeartions from United States in year 2013, publish paper in Social Sciences Quarterly.

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