Impact Factor

ABOUT J Exerc Rehabil

The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation is the official journal of the Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation, and is published six times a year. The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation contains 6 sections: Basic research on exercise rehabilitation, Clinical research on exercise rehabilitation, Exercise rehabilitation pedagogy, Exercise rehabilitation education, Exercise rehabilitation psychology, and Exercise rehabilitation welfare. The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation aims to serve as an intermediary for objective and scientific validation of the effects of exercise rehabilitation worldwide on various diseases. The Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation tries to promote the health and w.


  • 2288-176X/2288-1778
  • Social Sciences
  • Bimonthly
  • Korea


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.69
2019 1.07
2018 -


Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 2288-176X/2288-1778, started opeartions from Korea in year 2013, publish paper in Social Sciences Bimonthly.

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