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The Journal of Gender Information and Development in Africa (JGIDA), a quarterly, international journal published since 2012, welcomes articles on any aspect of gender, information, economic history and development especially in the context of research and scholarship in Africa. It is ‘two double-blind reviewed’ - meaning that each article has two reviewers, and that reviewer and author identities, in each case, are concealed from each other throughout the Review Process. The articles should focus on one or more of the following themes: information society, gender issues in Africa, the digital divide, the knowledge economy, knowledge management, indigenous knowledge, local content, violence against women, digitization, globalization, African economic history, African renaissance, commoditization of information, feminism, impact of structural adjustment programmes on African economies, digital scholarship, social media, digital repositories, information ethics, gender discrimination, reproductive health, psychoanalysis, service delivery issues in Africa, e-government, electronic publishing, sustainable economic development, gender aspects of environmental conservation, brain drain, regional economic integration, foreign aid, economic democracy, impact of global financial crisis on Africa, intellectual property rights, corporate social responsibility, the African debt crisis, fair trade, women in politics, sexuality, gender dimension of information technology, information development, social informatics, ICT4D, etc. Articles not dealing with Africa, but whose themes could be of relevance to African scholarship, are also welcome..


  • 2050-4276/2050-4284
  • Social Sciences
  • Quarterly
  • United Kingdom


2019-20 1.23 119
2018-19 - - -


Journal of Gender, Information and Development In Africa, 2050-4276/2050-4284, started opeartions from United Kingdom in year 2012, publish paper in Social Sciences Quarterly.

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