Impact Factor


Published by Sumpah Pemuda School of Law (STIHPADA) Palembang which aims as a medium of academic media to discuss legal science issues. Contains scientific papers, a summary of research results, book reviews and ideas of thought. The editors invite lecturers, experts, students, practitioners and the public who are interested to pour their thoughts into scientific writing. The issuance schedule is 2 (two) times in June and December. Posts submitted must be guided by the method of scientific writing and writing instructions as attached. The contents of the author's written content are completely responsible. Editors are not responsible for the content of the content. .


  • 2407-3849/2621-9867
  • Law
  • Quarterly
  • Indonesia


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.1
2019 0.34
2018 -


Lex Librum Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, 2407-3849/2621-9867, started opeartions from Indonesia in year 2014, publish paper in Law Quarterly.

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