Impact Factor


Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (MJBAS) is a peer-reviewed quarterly international journal. The main objective of MJBAS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. MJBAS aims to promote interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary studies in engineering, arts, science, law, management, medical and technology domains, thereby to become the leading journal in the world. This Journal visualizes to prosper across the continents by providing a magnificent platform to publish the research articles of excellent theoretical and applied research in all present and future era. From basic research to application development in all the fields of studies of below mentioned regulations is the broad range of this journal. Editors work hard to take scholarly approach in creating, developing, integrating, sharing and applying knowledge about all the fields of study for the benefit of humanity and the profession. It provides rapid publications and a forum to the academics, scholars and advanced level students for exchanging significant information and productive ideas associated with all these disciplines..


  • 2581-5059/2581-5059
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Quarterly
  • India


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.59
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Mediterranean Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2581-5059/2581-5059, started opeartions from India in year 2017, publish paper in Multidisciplinary Quarterly.

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