Impact Factor

ABOUT Mod. Manag. Forum

Modern Management Forum is a social science journal that serves as the source material on business management and related theory. The contents deliver do not boundary to management concept, but also to understand, to discuss and to access the current trend in management of different businesses and organizations. It aims to provide a high profile and unique forum that share between employer and employee, and benefit both in the term of apply the knowledge in real-world situation, connect concepts, and experience management principles in a tactile and engaging way..


  • 2424-8444 /-
  • Business and Management
  • Semiannual
  • Singapore


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.41
2018 -


Modern Management Forum, 2424-8444 /-, started opeartions from Singapore in year 2017, publish paper in Business and Management Semiannual.

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