Impact Factor

ABOUT MultiScience

Multidisciplinary Science Journal is the newest multidisciplinary journal of Malque Publishing. In this new journal, Research Articles, Short Communications, Technical Notes, Case Reports, and Clinical Cases from any area of knowledge are published. Articles are published under the Creative Commons license. This license was developed to facilitate open-access - that is, immediate and free access and unrestricted reuse of original works of all kinds. All articles are peer-reviewed and the publication criteria are based on high ethical standards. As a way of making the scientific publication more agile, the frequency of Multidisciplinary Science Journal is in CONTINUOUS FLOW mode..


  • 2675-1240/-
  • Multidisciplinary
  • Monthly
  • Brazil


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.12
2019 -NA-
2018 -


Multidisciplinary Science Journal, 2675-1240/-, started opeartions from Brazil in year 2019, publish paper in Multidisciplinary Monthly.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals