The journal Mundo da Saúde is a scientific journal published by Centro Universitário São Camilo. Specialized in the area of ​​Health and related, it observes rigorous criteria of scientific publication and maintains its regularity of quarterly edition since 1977, year in which the magazine began to be produced. Its objective and mission is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of the human being, through the progress of science and the appropriate use of new technologies. It is a concrete way of finding scientific answers to our questions and needs.
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 2.36 |
2019 | 1.4 |
2018 | - |
O Mundo da Saude, 0104-7809/ 1980-3990, started opeartions from Brazil in year 1977, publish paper in Medicine (General) Quarterly.