Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna (Pediatr Med Rodz) is a peer-reviewed international scientific journal in which one can find original articles, reviews and case reports which significantly contribute to the development of paediatrics and family medicine. The journal is addressed to all who conduct studies in paediatrics, primary health care and similar fields as well as to paediatricians, family physicians, general practitioners, internists and other primary care providers, specialty registrars and students. The mission of the journal is spreading the current state-of-the-art and promoting the development of academic research in paediatrics and family medicine. “Pediatria i Medycyna Ro.
YEAR | Impact Factor |
2020-21 | 0.91 |
2019 | 0.12 |
2018 | - |
Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna (Paediatrics and Family Medicine), 1734-1531/2451-0742, started opeartions from Poland in year 2005, publish paper in Medicine (General) Quarterly.