Impact Factor

ABOUT RAPL will be quarterly published online and printed twice a year. It will publish original, peer – reviewed research papers, review articles, letters to editor, case reports, perspective & opinions and hypothesis for pathologists and laboratory med

RAPL will be quarterly published online and printed twice a year. It will publish original, peer – reviewed research papers, review articles, letters to editor, case reports, perspective & opinions and hypothesis for pathologists and laboratory medicine. All the submitted articles will undergo Plagiarism check with the available software. The Journal attaches a special importance to articles sent by residents and under graduate students under the title ‘Student’s view’. The Journal aims to support medical students and their teachers for their professional development in all fields of Pathology, Laboratory Medicines and Tranfusion Medicine. The Journal does not encourage publication o.


  • 2454-8642/-
  • Medicine (General)
  • Quarterly
  • India


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.72
2019 0.02
2018 -


Recent Advances in Pathology & Laboratory Medicine , 2454-8642/-, started opeartions from India in year 2015, publish paper in Medicine (General) Quarterly.

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