Impact Factor


Research and Reviews in Biotechnology and Biosciences (RRBB) is an open access journal devoted to publish research papers from all areas of plant science to share advances to a wider audience. The journal publishes research and review papers and is indexed in Google Scholar and many other . RRBB brings out research findings in all areas of plant science. RRBB is a peer reviewed, open access, online journal. Papers published by the journal aim to represent important advances within the field. We are committed to provide an efficient service for both authors and readers. Several independent reviewers and editor from allo over the world are offering their expertise to the journal. An unbiased peer-review system allows our team of editors to make rapid decisions. Accepted papers are published without delay and added to the current issue, thus ensure continuous online publication. Research & Reviews in Biotechnology and Biosciences is an National peer reviewed research journal, published two times per year, which is devoted to publish original research contributions in several domains of Biotechnology and Biosciences. RRBB publishes Research Articles, Short Communications, Reviews, Opinion, Articles and Letters to the Editor/Publisher as per the followings sections, Biochemical Processes: primary and secondary metabolism, and biochemistry, Bio-technology: plant, animal, microbial, Photo-biology and Photosynthesis Processes, Cell Biology, Genes and Development, Plant Signalling and Response, Plant Nutrition, Growth and Differentiation: seed physiology, hormonal physiology and photomor-phogenesis, Post-Harvest Physiology, Crop Physiology and Stress Physiology, Plant-Microbe and Plant-Insect Interactions, Instrumentation in Biotechnology and Bio-sciences, Bioinformatics. .


  • 2321-8681/-
  • Biotechnology
  • Semiannual
  • India


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.16
2018 -


Research and Reviews in Biotechnology and Biosciences , 2321-8681/-, started opeartions from India in year 2014, publish paper in Biotechnology Semiannual.

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