Impact Factor


“Scientific Studios on Social and Political Psychology” is the one in its field Ukrainian peer-reviewed scientific journal which presents original studies on social and political psychology. Addressed to social and political psychologists, specialists from related sciences, teachers, Ph. D. students, and university students. The journal is approved as the professional one in the field of psychological sciences (Decision of the Attestation Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №1222, 07.10.2016). UDC 316.6 Since 2019, the collection is indexed in Crossref, each article has a unique DOI. Work languages: Ukrainian, English, Polish, Italian. Frequency of publication: 2 times a year. Year of foundation: 1995 (certificate of state registration: КВ №22197-12097 ПР, 08.07.2016) The journal is founded by the initiative of Mykola Slyusarevsky, Director of Scientific-Practical Center for Political Psychology which was the only one at that time in Ukraine. The first three issues presented the results of the most important theoretical and empirical studies of the Center and were released under the title “Scientific Studios on Political Psychology”. From the fourth issue, the journal received the current name and covered a wider range of studies. From its founding until 2019 the journal published 1057 articles of 471 authors. Today the journal accepts theoretical, methodological, and empirical articles from all over Ukraine and from abroad by the following sections: Theoretical-Methodological Basics of Social and Political Psychology Socio-Psychological Problems of Transformational Processes in Ukrainian Society Social Psychology of Personality Psychology of Masses and Communities Psychology of Groups and Interpersonal Relations Historic and Ethnic Psychology Psychology of Communication Family Psychology Media Psychology and Media Education Problems of Education in Social and Political Dimensions Information Processes and Socio-Psychological Technologies Psychology of War and Peace Interdisciplinary Forum on Social and Political Issues The editorial board is represented by leading specialists in the field of social and political psychology, and carefully observes the quality of the materials submitted to the publication. The double-blind reviews of papers are provided.


  • 2309-8287/-
  • Psychology
  • Semiannual
  • Ukraine


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.71
2018 -


Scientific Studios on Social and Political Psychology, 2309-8287/-, started opeartions from Ukraine in year 1995, publish paper in Psychology Semiannual.

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