Impact Factor


Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies in Law on Religion) is an annual journal published by the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. It aims to publish scholarly articles on the legal aspects of religious freedom as well as relations between the state and churches (especially the Catholic Church) and other religious denominations. The journal gives special attention to Polish law on religion. However, its coverage also encompasses issues related to the laws of other states, the legal regulations of the European Union and the international legal protection of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Besides research articles, the journal also includes book reviews and reports of conferences dealing with law on religion. The content of every volume is evaluated by supervisors who are asked to do it for each volume. .


  • 2081-8882/2544-3003
  • Law
  • Annual
  • Poland


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.54
2018 -


Studies in Law on Religion, 2081-8882/2544-3003, started opeartions from Poland in year 2000, publish paper in Law Annual.

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