Impact Factor


The Journal of Accounting and Organizations (Revista de Contabilidade e Organizações - RCO) is a Brazilian open-access periodic journal created in 2007, with peer evaluation in double blind-review. The RCO is a publication of the University of São Paulo, maintained with resources from the Accounting Department of the Faculty of Economics, Administration and Accounting/USP and SiBi/USP. The RCO publishes research results that are innovative, instigating, surprising and demonstrate methodological rigor and potential impact for accounting and auditing practice across a wide range of organizations, markets and governments. As a multi-paradigmatic journal the RCO publishes several methodological approaches, quantitative or qualitative, and theories of several areas. Interdisciplinary approaches are especially welcome. Aiming at the speed of the communication process and the dissemination of scientific research, maintaining rigor in the evaluation of submissions, in 2018 the RCO converted its four-month frequency of publication into continuous publishing, launching one number per year between January and December. The journal works with format-free initial submissions. Adjustments will be requested after the Desk Review. RCO informs that all articles submitted from 01/01/2020 and approved for publication must be translated, in their final version, into English (if the original submission is in Portuguese) or to Portuguese (if the original submission is in English). The translation into the second language will be up to the authors and failure to present both versions within the stipulated time will result in the approval of the article being withdrawn. RCO will provide authors with a list of translation services that will be accepted. The policy of free access and license to authors is Common Creative CCBY-NC-ND 4.0. This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)


  • 1982-6486/-
  • Business and Management
  • Annual
  • Brazil


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 1.24
2018 -


The Journal of Accounting and Organizations, 1982-6486/-, started opeartions from Brazil in year 2007, publish paper in Business and Management Annual.

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