Impact Factor


The Universal Academic Research Journal (TUARA) strives to provide a national and international academic forum to meet the professional interests of individuals in various educational disciplines. This journal serves as a platform for presenting and discussing a wide range of topics in Educational Sciences. It is committed to providing access to quality researches ranging from original research, theoretical articles and concept papers in educational sciences. In order to produce a high quality journal, extensive effort has been put into selecting valuable researches that contributed to the journal. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to the editorial board, reviewers and researchers for their valuable contributions to make this journal a reality. Each paper published in The Universal Academic Research Journal (TUARA) is assigned a DOI® number and ORCID code..


  • 2717-9133/2717-9133
  • Education
  • Semiannual
  • Turkey


YEAR Impact Factor
2020-21 0.12
2018 -


The Universal Academic Research Journal (TUARA), 2717-9133/2717-9133, started opeartions from Turkey in year 2020, publish paper in Education Semiannual.

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