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ABOUT Ubuntu

Ubuntu stands for humaneness built on the foundations of a relational worldview embedded in most African cultures and reflected in the philosophy of non-violent conflict transformation. The journal is expected to serve as a forum for scholars in the field of peace studies who seek to go beyond the paradigm of power and rational choice assumptions to tap on moral and creative human potential to resolve conflicts in a just manner in recognition of human interrelatedness and connection. For about two decades (since about the 1990s), there has been greater realization that the focus of any meaningful resolution of conflict should not be about the mere settlement of conflicts; rather, it should embrace ways and means by which the parties can be brought to live together and cooperate in the future to avoid a recourse to conflict and war. That purpose is at the heart of the focus of Ubuntu : Journal of Conflict and Social Transformation..


  • 2078-760X/2050-4950
  • Social Sciences
  • Irregular
  • United Kingdom


2019-20 1.24 107
2018-19 - - -


Ubuntu: Journal of Conflict and Social Transformation , 2078-760X/2050-4950, started opeartions from United Kingdom in year 2012, publish paper in Social Sciences Irregular.

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