Impact Factor

ABOUT Journal of Child Health Care

Journal of Child Health Care is a professionally focused, peer reviewed journal which addresses child health issues from a multi-disciplinary perspective. It fosters critical understanding of the neonate, child and adolescent in health and illness. Journal of Child Health Care sees children as part of the community in which we live and considers health issues arising from it. It develops the skills and knowledge base of professionals who work with children and their families, and promotes partnerships between professionals and families and between different professional groups.


  • 1367-4935
  • Medicine,Nursing
  • 1997-ongoing
  • United States


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.3
2022 1.9
2021 1.896


Journal of Child Health Care, 1367-4935, 1997-ongoing, Medicine,Nursing.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals