Impact Factor

ABOUT Journal of Sensors

Journal of Sensors is an open access journal dedicated to cover all the interdisciplinary scientific and technological areas involved in the field of sensors, from the theory and design of the sensing devices to the application of the sensors. Authors of manuscripts with novel contributions to the theory and/or practice of physics, chemistry, biology, signal processing or the system integration of sensors are welcome to submit their articles for consideration. Journal of Sensors employs a paperless, electronic review process to enable a fast and speedy turnaround in the review process.


  • 1687-725X
  • Engineering,Physics and Astronomy
  • 2009-ongoing
  • Egypt


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.4
2022 1.9
2021 2.336


Journal of Sensors, 1687-725X, 2009-ongoing, Engineering,Physics and Astronomy.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals