Impact Factor

ABOUT Russian Meteorology and Hydrology

The journal Russian Meteorology and Hydrology provides comprehensive coverage of meteorological and hydrological research throughout the former Soviet Union. Coverage includes weather forecasting; climate changes, global and regional; weather modification; ocean hydrodynamics and sea-level fluctuations; wind patterns, storms and hurricanes; agrometeorological conditions and crop yields; environmental pollution; hydrometeorological observation instruments; atmospheric turbulence and flight safety; ionospheric studies; geomagnetic activity; arctic and antarctic research; river runoff; satellite flood mapping, and the ozone layer and greenhouse gases.


  • 1068-3739
  • Chemical Engineering,Earth and Planetary Sciences,Environmental Science
  • 1993-ongoing
  • United States


YEAR Impact Factor
2023-24 1.4
2022 0.7
2021 0.788


Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, 1068-3739, 1993-ongoing, Chemical Engineering,Earth and Planetary Sciences,Environmental Science.

Directory Indexing of International Research Journals